June is Elder Abuse Awareness Month. Abuse can be hard to identify, and difficult to talk about. But if any of the following is happening to you or to someone you love, help is available. Call us today to learn more about how we can help.
Have you received threatening phone calls saying that you owe money, or are in trouble with the law?
Have you paid money to someone who said they worked for Social Security, the FBI, or the police?
Is someone making you do something you don't want to do?
Is someone else making decisions for you, without your permission?
Do you feel that you don't have control over your money or your property?
Is a friend or family member taking advantage of you?
Do you feel unsafe with a family member?
If any of these are happening to you or someone you love, legal assistance is available. Call us at 973-523-2900 to learn more and see if you are eligible for our services, or click the Apply for Help button to learn more on our website. Download our flyer about elder abuse at the link below.