Living with HIV and AIDS (Ryan White Project)
We provide free legal services for persons living with HIV or AIDS in Bergen and Passaic counties. Our services include preventing discrimination in housing, employment, and access to services; helping clients obtain and keep benefits which are denied or withheld; preparing documents such as powers of attorney, wills, guardianships and others; and assisting clients who are denied adequate medical care or medical insurance coverage. We can make special arrangements to meet with homebound clients.
We offer help with
housing (landlord/tenant disputes, rental assistance programs, public housing)
denial of public benefits (SSI/RSDI, TANF [Temporary Assistance for Needy Families], GA (General Assistance], unemployment insurance, NJ SNAP [food stamps], Medicaid/Family Care/Medicare, and Veterans Benefits)
healthcare (denial of medical care or health insurance coverage)
future planning (Powers of Attorney, wills, guardianship)
family & domestic relationships (domestic violence temporary and final restraining orders [TRO and FRO], child support, child custody, divorce)
employment barriers (criminal record expungements, identification, driver’s license restoration, occupational license reinstatement)
frauds, scams, and declaring bankruptcy
discrimination in housing, employment, and access to services