6월 23일 (수)
이혼 후 동의 정보 웨비나
Passaic Vicinage 직원과 NNJLS(Northeast New Jersey Legal Services)는 이혼 후 소송을 제기하는 소송 당사자를 지원하기 위해 가상 워크숍을 제공합니다.
Time & Location
2021년 6월 23일 오후 2:00 – 오후 3:30
About the Event
Passaic Vicinage staff and Northeast New Jersey Legal Services (NNJLS) will present a virtual workshop to assist self-represented litigants who are filing a post-divorce motion.
Attorneys from NNJLS will provide information on the process and procedures when filing this type of motion. They review the motion form and case information statement. Vicinage staff will answer questions about motion and court processes.
This webinar is free and open to the public. Registration is required.
For more information about this session, request an ADA accommodation or for interpreting services, contact the Passaic Vicinage’s Office of the Ombudsman at 973-653-2910, ext. 24032 or PassaicHelp.Mailbox@njcourts.gov.
This is an informational webinar only. Individual cases will not be discussed or resolved.
This webinar is sponsored by the Superior Court of New Jersey, Passaic Vicinage, in collaboration with NNJLS.