General Legal Help for Seniors
If you are age sixty (60) or older and a resident of Bergen, Hudson, or Passaic County, we can help with issues including
public benefits reduced or denied
Social Security
NJ Family Care
General Assistance (GA)
NJ SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program/Food Stamps)
prescription assistance
debt collection & credit issues
future planning
Simple Wills
Financial Powers of Attorney
Medical Decision Powers of Attorney/Living Will Declarations
Help with Abuse and Neglect of Seniors
Are you a senior facing emotional or physical neglect or abuse from a family member, friend, or anyone else? Has someone has convinced you to change your will, or make money choices that you are not comfortable with? Are you the victim of a scam? If so, please call us. If we are unable to help, we will refer you to an agency that can. These issues can include
telephone scams and other fraud
domestic violence, spousal support, and protective orders
powers of attorney and financial exploitation
housing issues such as evictions, unfit housing conditions, and utility shut-offs

Watch a one-minute video on the importance of wills and other future planning documents.